Category: Laws

Global Law Trials 2021

The global law trials apply to competitions beginning on or after 1st August 2021 Prior to the August 20th monthly Training and Development meeting please find below beneficial links relating to the new Global Law Trials which are being implemented in competition games from the 1st August.  From World Rugby.  This link in addition provides numerous video clips. […]

Tackle law changes in age grade rugby

The RFU have announced changes to the Tackle Law from August 1st 2021 for Age Grade Rugby For season 2021-2022 the tackle height for Age Grade Rugby up to under 18 level  will be below the level of the armpit.  This Law change is an additional safety measure to help reduce the risk of head […]

Minor Law Change

World Rugby has announced that, with immediate effect, it will no longer be possible to score a try by grounding the ball against the post protector

Uncontested scrummages

Some of you may have noticed some discussions regarding what happens when a team has to go to uncontested scrummages due to either and injury or a yellow or Red card being shown to a front row player. Unfortunately like with other points of law there seems to be a range of opinions from the […]

Nigel Owens explains the tackle law

Referees and Players are struggling to understand the interpretation of the tackle law – This may help clarify some of the issues  – Nigel Owens explains the tackle law

Law implementation changes from January 3rd 2017

From January 3rd 2017 there is a significant step in the interpretation of the law and the sanctions that are being applied for reckless and dangerous tackles particularly to the head and neck area In a change to law, World Rugby has redefined illegal (high) tackle categories and increased sanctions to deter high tackles via […]

Annual Federation Meeting

Annual Federation Meeting The annual federation meeting was held on Sunday 9th August. Michael Patz gave an excellent presentation regarding the World Rugby Priorities – Law Application Guidelines. After lunch there were more presentations covered interesting and thought provoking topics ‘Support for Match Observers’ Michael Patz. ‘How to get your message across’ Will Halford.  North Federation Squad Co-ordinator. ‘What does a […]